
Course Icon

No. of Courses: 12

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Program Duration: 4.5 Hrs

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Languages: English

About the Program

This program offers a comprehensive exploration of valves, covering fundamental concepts, various types, the role of actuators, valve operations, and essential maintenance procedures. Through engaging modules, you will gain a deep understanding of the principles, functions, and maintenance requirements of valves, essential in various industries and applications.

Course List

Introduction to Valves

Explore the world of valves and deepen your understanding of their importance in daily life and various industries, gaining insight into their classification and diverse applications.

Valves Fundamentals

Discover the fundamental components and purposes of valves, exploring their importance, diverse types including safety valves, and gaining insight into valve design, characteristics, symbols, and operational principles for enhanced understanding and application in various settings.

Types of Valves – I

Explore the working principles of valves, such as gate and globe valves, delving into their parts, classifications, advantages, and applications, while gaining insight into troubleshooting techniques for enhanced understanding and proficiency in valve systems.

Types of Valves – II

Explore the intricate workings of plug and needle valves, focusing on their key components, working principles, diverse applications, and understanding their advantages, disadvantages, and troubleshooting methods for enhanced proficiency in valve systems.

Types of Valves – III

Deepen your understanding of valve mechanisms by exploring the types and working mechanisms of diaphragm, butterfly, and ball valves, gaining insight into their components, advantages, disadvantages, troubleshooting methods, and diverse applications.

Types of Valves – IV

Enhance your understanding of valve systems as you explore the workings of rotary, ball, disc, and 3-way valves, along with check valves like swing, dual wafer, ball, and lift types, discerning their advantages, disadvantages, troubleshooting methods, and diverse applications.

Types of Valves – V

Gain insight into pressure relief valves and pressure safety valves by exploring their components, working mechanisms, and various applications, enhancing your knowledge of their crucial role in maintaining system safety and integrity, including vacuum relief valve types.

Types of Valves – VI

Discover the world of rupture discs, exploring their types, working mechanisms, advantages, and applications, alongside insights into plant commissioning and safety protocols. Gain knowledge on dampers, including stack dampers and guide vanes, to enhance your understanding of industrial systems.

Actuators – I

Delve into the world of actuators, including motor-operated and pneumatic types, understanding their components and functioning to gain insight into their crucial role in industrial automation.

Actuators – II

Learn the fundamentals of hydraulic actuators, exploring their key components and functioning, alongside insights into solenoid actuators, understanding their advantages and operational principles for enhanced knowledge in industrial automation.

Valve Operations

Gain insight into high-pressure systems, exploring operating systems such as double block and bleed valves and bypassing control valves, while understanding valve operating policy and the operation of manual valves for effective system management.

General Valve Maintenance Procedures

Learn about the maintenance procedures for valves, including valve seating, packing, and stem sealing, while exploring valve seat refacing and key maintenance techniques to gain insight into ensuring optimal valve performance and longevity.

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