Anti-Money Laundering

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No. of Courses: 7

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Program Duration: 7.14 Hrs

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Languages: English

About the Program

Money laundering disguises illicit funds, harming businesses and economies. Our engaging program explores the fundamentals of Anti-Money Laundering (AML), explaining global regulations and the risks. Discover essential KYC procedures, spot red flags, and learn AML best practices. Explore how technology fights financial crime and understand vulnerabilities in Non-Financial Businesses.

Course List

AML for Bankers: Introduction to Anti-Money Laundering

This lesson provides an overview of Money Laundering and its impact on business and the economy. You will understand the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) concepts, as well as the crucial role played by major global regulatory organizations in shaping and enforcing AML/CFT standards.

AML for Bankers: Anti-Money Laundering for Retail Banks

In this lesson, you will explore the risks and consequences banks face for AML regulation deficiencies. You will categorize money laundering risks in retail banking, delve into FATF guidelines, and understand the importance of KYC procedures. Learn to identify red flags, adopt best AML compliance practices, compare global AML regulations, and discover how technology strengthens AML efforts in retail banking.

AML for Bankers: Anti-Money Laundering for Trade-Based Banking

This lesson provides insights into the distinct challenges of trade finance transactions and essential techniques for detecting and preventing money laundering. Discover advanced risk assessment methods, compliance protocols, and monitoring techniques while uncovering effective strategies to mitigate AML risks. You will learn about the complex regulatory landscape governing trade finance, from due diligence procedures to transaction monitoring frameworks.

AML for Non-Bankers: Anti-Money Laundering for Designated Non-Finacial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs)

This lesson explores the unique challenges DNFBPs face in identifying and preventing money laundering activities, from real estate to legal and accounting sectors. Gain essential knowledge of regulatory obligations, risk assessment methodologies, and effective AML strategies to protect your business and uphold integrity in the financial ecosystem.

AML for Non-Bankers: Anti-Money Laundering for Senior Management

This lesson equips executives and board members with crucial insights into regulatory obligations, strategic risk assessment, and effective governance practices in preventing and combating financial crimes through AML measures. Discover tailored approaches to leadership in AML compliance, empowering senior management to champion robust measures and foster a culture of integrity within your organization.

Anti-Money Laundering for Insurance Companies

In this lesson, you will discover the vulnerabilities associated with life insurance and investment-related products, distinguishing between low and high-risk scenarios of money laundering and financial terrorism. You will gain insight into the essential components of a robust AML/CFT program tailored to mitigate these risks effectively. Additionally, you will learn to identify red flags indicative of money laundering and financial crime within the insurance sector.

Anti-Money Laundering for FinTech

This lesson provides an in-depth understanding of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) principles and their application within the FinTech industry. The lesson includes real-life case studies, interactive scenarios, and best practices for implementing robust AML compliance programs, ensuring FinTech professionals are equipped to protect their platforms from financial crime and maintain regulatory compliance.

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